What Is A VCFO?

Not every successful business person is necessarily, a ‘business person’. 

That’s not a typo; it’s a fact. 

Not everyone who has made millions in business has been a numbers nerd, a savvy strategist, or a metrics mogul. 

And while all of those things are handy when it comes to managing a business’s finances, if they don’t come naturally to you to start with, don’t count on them magically appearing as soon as you register for an ABN.    

Even if you are a business brain – unless you’re in the business of business like we are. 

Crunching numbers, forward planning, and analytics are probably not things you have time to spend doing all day every day.

If you’ve said a quiet ‘Amen’ to yourself in the last 30 seconds, keep reading. A Virtual CFO (VCFO) could be your holy grail. 

virtual CFO

What does a VCFO do?

A Virtual CFO isn’t like the regular CFOs. They’re the cool CFOs.  

Who are we kidding – they’re pretty similar to regular CFOs, but they don’t need a fancy corner office or a triple-figure salary. We don’t think you’ll catch a VCFO in a suit very often either. 

Having a VCFO is like having a killer accountant, business coach, financial advisor, and strategist wrapped up into one person who is there to be as passionate about your business’s success as you are. 

VCFO’s can also help with things like cash-flow, upscaling, financial forecasting, compliance, goal setting, and budgeting. 

They’re also great mentors. VCFO‘s have been there and done that, and they’re still here to tell the tale. With their experience and knowledge, a VCFO can guide you through the rocky path that is business, so that you don’t have to keep learning things the hard way. 

Is a Virtual CFO right for my business? 

Virtual CFO’s don’t have a predetermined list of tasks that they check through for every business they work with; they help you with what you need help with. This means that they’re beneficial no matter where you are in the business lifecycle. 

For instance, your cash-flow might be pumping along nicely, but you’re not quite sure how to take the next step towards new growth. Or your strategy might be on track, but your bookkeeping might be balls up. 

It’s a VCFO’s job to see where improvements can be made in a business’s finances and to collaborate with you to implement positive change. Even if you don’t know where or why things are going wrong, or if you want to enhance what you know is already working, this service will get things moving.  

VCFO’s also offer an outsider’s perspective. You know how it feels when you’ve been staring at your computer screen for so long that the words you’re reading start to blur into one another? That fuzzy, clouded feeling can also happen when you spend too long in the nitty-gritty of your business without coming up for air. 

A VCFO offers a fresh set of unbiased eyes that will help give you the clarity and honesty you need to move forward. This is particularly helpful in businesses with multiple directors, or family owned and operated. 

Did we just become best friends?

If a VCFO sounds like the answer to all of your business woes, or if you want a new business best friend (we’ll be yours if you’ll be ours!) – we’ve got you sorted. We can’t wait to crunch your numbers. Get in touch here.